Sunday, July 31, 2011

Godly Sorrows

Scripture--2 Corinthians 7-2 Corinthians 9

Observation: This part stuck out to me today:  "You felt godly sadness so that no one was harmed by us in any way. 10 Godly sadness produces a changed heart and life that leads to salvation and leaves no regrets, but sorrow under the influence of the world produces death. 11 Look at what this very experience of godly sadness has produced in you: such enthusiasm, what a desire to clear yourselves of blame, such indignation, what fear, what purpose, such concern, what justice! In everything you have shown yourselves to be innocent in the matter."  Now I'm sure the recent days in the hospital with very sick people have influenced this affecting me, but goodness the thought of "godly sadness" is powerful.  It reminded me of one of my favorite verses.  Romans 8:28, "For we know that God works for good for all who love the Lord."  That even in the midst of sadness, God is there.

Application:  I have no idea what you are going through.  I don't know where you are in your walk or in your life.  But I have to imagine at some point you have had sorrows.  Some were "sorrows of the world".  The ones that produce death.  I know those sorrows.  But, some of them were "godly sorrows". Either way, take heart.  For God is with you.  God is ready to use those sorrows for your good.  To change you.  Are you ready to be changed?  Give those sorrows to God, for God can do all things!!

Prayer:  God, we praise you in our storms.  We praise you from our sorrows.  We believe that you can do all things.  Let us live into that wisdom, and love you more.  Amen

Pastor Emily 

August 1--2 Corinthians 10 -2 Corinthians 12
August 2--2 Corinthians 13
August 3--Galatians 1-Galatians 3
August 4--Galatians 4-Galatians 6
August 5--Ephesians 1-Ephesians 3
August 6--Ephesians 4-Ephesians 6
August 7--Philippians 1-Philippians 3
August 8--Philippians 4-Colossians 2

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Trading My Sorrows!

Scripture:  2 Corinthians 4-2 Corinthians 6

Observation:  I have LOVED reading the CEV for this study, but today the translation let me down.  Now, I'm sure its a great translation, but the words just weren't what I wanted.  
The words I wanted were (4:8-9) "We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed" But what I got was, "8We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. 9In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again."

Application:  Are you feeling abandoned?  Crushed?  Persecuted?  Paul tells you there's hope!  That we are simply treasures in clay jars.  That when your body hurts, know the God inside of you is still strong!  What a lovely passage of scripture (no matter the translation.)

Prayer:  I could write more, but instead you should just follow this link.  Its one of my favorite songs, taken directly from these verses.  He even begins in Spanish!  Have a praise break today and thank God for all the good in your life!  It'll be a great prayer for today!!

Pastor Emily 

July 31-- 2 Corinthians 7-2 Corinthians 9
August 1--2 Corinthians 10 -2 Corinthians 12
August 2--2 Corinthians 13
August 3--Galatians 1-Galatians 3
August 4--Galatians 4-Galatians 6
August 5--Ephesians 1-Ephesians 3
August 6--Ephesians 4-Ephesians 6
August 7--Philippians 1-Philippians 3
August 8--Philippians 4-Colossians 2

Friday, July 29, 2011

Afflictions and Attitude

Scripture:  2 Corinthians 1-3
This book is Paul's second biblical attempt to "right" the church at Corinth.  See, this wikipedia entry for more details.  The section on the chronology of his time with the Corinthians is fascinating to me.  Basically, this is a church he loved and was paining him greatly.  This letter is open in ways he rarely is.  It shows much of his personal weakness and "humanity".  I'm excited to study this together, may it make us all more humble!!

For more information see:

Observation:  It was clear that Paul's last visit to Corinth was not a good one.  Did you see the beginning of Chapter 2?  2:4 really stuck out to me:  "At the time I wrote, I was suffering terribly. My eyes were full of tears, and my heart was broken. But I didn't want to make you feel bad. I only wanted to let you know how much I cared for you."  The translation I read in Nicaragua said, "I wrote out of much affliction".

Application: I have loved Summer of Scripture.  It has been WONDERFUL!  Truly.  We will have to do this again some other time.  But, if I am honest with you--I haven't loved writing every day.  Most days I love it.  I love to write, I love to read scripture, and I love you all.  So, most days its wonderful.  But some days, "I write out of great affliction".  Honestly, today might be one of those days.  I thought I'd written ahead enough to cover today, and come to find out, I hadn't.  Even worse, as I write this I'm trying to take my first REAL sabbath day in longer than I should admit.  And when I sat down to write, I wasn't excited.  But then I read Paul's words.  On forgiveness.  On love.  On putting others happiness first and letting them help you.  And something changed in me.  I realized that I can do all these things because you are with me.  That when things irk me or frustrate me or anger me, it is this community and OUR GOD who will bring me back to good.  That I will never be left or forsaken!  And even Paul wrote out of affliction some times.  

So, now I'm happily typing away.  Remembering that Sabbath and community and prayer and love and scripture can all be brought together in amazing ways.  I thank God for each of you.  May our afflictions not change who we are or cloud our image of God!

Prayer:  God, I give you all the weights that are dragging me down.  I give you all my cares, for you care for me.  Will you change my heart?  Will you change my attitude?  Will you make me better?  Thank you for all you do, all you are, all you've given and not given me.  Amen.

Pastor Emily 

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16

Observation:  This verse struck me: 16:13-14, "Keep alert. Be firm in your faith. Stay brave and strong. Show love in everything you do."

What a beautiful benediction.  What a beautiful ending.  Let us never forget this.

What do you say to people when you leave them?  What do you remind them of?  I normally just say "Good bye, I love you." But maybe we should remind them that they are brave and strong. That they can show love in what they do.  That they need to stay alert!

Let us all try to leave people better than we found them.  Let us all try to love more than we have to.  Let us all try to stay alert!  To be strong and brave.

Know today that you are loved and prayed for.  That you are special and strong.  That no matter what the world says about you, that you are special.  That God loves you.  I pray that when you leave this blog today, you'll be ready to face the world.

Prayer:  God, thank you for loving me.  Even when I'm unlovable.  Even when I don't deserve it.  Even when I'm not good enough.  Thank you for loving me.  May a little of that love rub off to the world.  In the name of your precious son! Amen.

Pastor Emily 

July 29-- 2 Corinthians 1-2 Corinthians 3
July 30-- 2 Corinthians 4-2 Corinthians 6
July 31-- 2 Corinthians 7-2 Corinthians 9
August 1--2 Corinthians 10 -2 Corinthians 12
August 2--2 Corinthians 13
August 3--Galatians 1-Galatians 3

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

All You Need is Love

Scripture-- 1 Corinthians 13-1 Corinthians 15

Observation:  Our college group was named for 1 Corinthians 13:13, "Faith, hope and love abide and the greatest of these is love."  I hope that we always follow this verse!

What a powerful chapter describing love.  Reminding us that love is an action--something we DO not something we just feel.  

Application:  Which aspect of love described in Chapter 13 most appeals to you?  What part most challenges you?  The introduction always reminds me that that I can do so many good things, but if I do them without love they mean nothing.  I pray that what abides--is love.  In my life and yours!

Prayer:  God of Love.  Let me love like you.  Let me be all that you'd have me be. Thank you for loving me.  Let me spread a piece of that love.  Amen.

Pastor Emily   

July 28-- 1 Corinthians 16
July 29-- 2 Corinthians 1-2 Corinthians 3
July 30-- 2 Corinthians 4-2 Corinthians 6
July 31-- 2 Corinthians 7-2 Corinthians 9
August 1--2 Corinthians 10 -2 Corinthians 12
August 2--2 Corinthians 13
August 3--Galatians 1-Galatians 3

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One Body, One love

Scripture:1 Corinthians 10-1 Corinthians 12
One of the things that seems clear in this letter, was that the Corinthians were arguing over gifts.  Who was best. Which gift was more important.  (Sound familiar?) They seemed to think that in order to be godly that someone had to speak in tongues   

Observation: I have taken classes on missions and diversity and race/nationality in churches.  I understand that all people are created equal.  That I am a good speaker and my mom is the arms that cleans and my sister is the brain and Wallace is the heart.  That makes so much sense to me.  And in going to Nicaragua, everyone said that I would learn more from them than I taught them.  That I would RECEIVE more from them than I gave.  And I believed that.  But I wasn't ready for what happened.  

 No matter how much my brain knew that I wasn't "better" than those I was meeting, it was impossible not to feel sorry for them when I witnessed the abject poverty.  When I saw the dirt and the uncaged animals and the dirty water.  When I saw starving kids with worn out shoes (or no shoes).  Its hard to not feel "better" when I went back to a posh "resort" with indoor plumbing (even if there wasn't hot water).   I felt so sorry for them, and just knew how much better I had it!  I felt so guilty for all I had--for having it so much "better".  And that heavy weight was hard to carry.  

But Sunday morning, we went to church and felt God move.  The people dressed up in better clothes than I was wearing that day and praised God louder than I ever could.  And then Monday the kids we lead in VBS had all brought fruits from their trees at homes as gifts for us.  And then Tuesday I spent all morning talking to the women of the community and hearing how happy they were--being with their families each day, loving their neighbors.  And I realized that it wasn't about me being better off.  It wasn't for me to feel guilty.  It was for me to believe what I thougth knew.  

We all are parts of Christ's body.  That we each were poor and rich.  That we each had our jobs and places in the kingdom.  Pastor, teacher, encourager, helper, speaker of tongues, we are all precious.  We are all important.  

Application--I hope everyone of you has the chance to step outside themselves and learn in their heart what they know in their head.  I pray that you'll have a chance to realize that we are all the body of Christ.  And that you'll know how important and loved you are.  Praying that we will all leave here changed, better, and loving Christ and each other more!

Prayer:  God of the nations--remind me that I'm yours.  I belong to you.  That I am holy and special, but so is my neighbor.  So is my friend.  So is my enemy.  Let me remember that I am an important memeber of your body, but it is not my job to be above any other of your children.  Bless those I love, those I've met, those I am angry with, and those I've never known.  Bless us your children and let us walk your paths.  In your holy name we pray! Amen.

Pastor Emily

Monday, July 25, 2011

What do YOU think?

Scripture-- 1 Corinthians 7-1 Corinthians 9

Observation:  The section on marriage is fascinating to me.  That we should be unmarried to focus on God.  Its this section that still keeps Catholic priests, monks and nuns from marrying. 

Application:  I want to know your thoughts.  I'm one of the few unmarried/never-been-married ones who are following (well, at least who are COMMENTING! Wink wink, anyone out there single?)  Do you think his points on marriage are valid?  Important?  Why would he add these to the mix?

Prayer:  Holy Spirit--Rain down on us.  Fill us full so that we can be your children, and you can be our God.  Give us wisdom and knowledge to understand even when we're not sure we can.  In your name we pray, Amen.

Pastor Emily 

July 26-- 1 Corinthians 10-1 Corinthians 12

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What has power over you?

Scripture--1 Corinthians 4 -1 Corinthians 6

Observation:  This was a section specifically designed to help the Corinthians stay holy.  To help them remember that they were held to a high standard.  Not for their salvation--but for the good of their church and their families and themselves.  But the part that gripped me was 6:12 "Some of you say, "We can do anything we want to." But I tell you that not everything is good for us. So I refuse to let anything have power over me"

Application:  I love grace.  It covers so many things--and often makes it easy for me to overlook things.  To say, "well its ok that he/she did something wrong, God still loves them and so do I".  Which is very true, but sometimes that lets others (and myself!) get away from what God calls us to.  It allows us to be soft in following God.  Jesus didn't just say, Believe in me, he ALSO said, "follow me"!  Are you following Christ--or the commandments?  The commandments are great--but even "lawful things" are not always good.  Let nothing have power over you but God in heaven.  Not me, not Wallace, not the church.  But God.  Even things that are lawful aren't always of God.

Prayer:  Oh Christ--never let us take our eyes off you.  Never let us forget that you are who we should follow.  Never let us choose "right" over you.  Help us follow you to the end.  Amen.

Pastor Emily

July 25-- 1 Corinthians 7-1 Corinthians 9
July 26-- 1 Corinthians 10-1 Corinthians 12

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Just Don't Understand.

Scripture-- 1 Corinthians 1- 1 Corinthians 3
Welcome to the beautiful city of Corinth.  Located on the water, halfway between Athens and Sparta, Corinth was a trade route and a meeting place for so many cultures.  Paul started a church here around 50 AD.  This letter was probably written in Ephesus, while Paul was there starting a church.  He wrote back to the people of Corinth, trying to help solve divisions in the church.  We will see throughout the manuscript how he preaches for unity and love over theological debates.  For more information, see

Observation:  I don't remember ever hearing these words before:  (1:21b-25)   "Instead, God chose to save only those who believe the foolish message we preach. 22Jews ask for miracles, and Greeks want something that sounds wise. 23But we preach that Christ was nailed to a cross. Most Jews have problems with this, and most Gentiles think it is foolish. 24Our message is God's power and wisdom for the Jews and the Greeks that he has chosen. 25Even when God is foolish, he is wiser than everyone else, and even when God is weak, he is stronger than everyone else."

Application:  So many things in my life don't make sense.  The resurrection. The virgin birth.  Why people who have lived healthy lives get cancer.  Why kids die.  Why others live.  Why the children of Nicaragua can be so happy without any things, but kids in America are so sad with all the things in the world.  So many things make no sense.  And now I'm apparently a Greek!  I don't need a miracle or a sign as some translations say.  But I need God to make things make sense.  I want to understand.  But that's not my message.  Not that God doesn't want me thinking or trying, but that "even when God is foolish, God is wiser than I am." That even God's weakness is greater than anyone's strength.  I'm thankful today that I can give God the power, and surrender.  That I can rely on the power of the cross, even if I never understand it.  And I pray that we'll find a way to tell the world of this power hidden in "foolishness".

Prayer:  God, be my strength today.  Be my wisdom today.  I'm giving my all to you today, no matter if I understand.  I believe you will keep your promises.  Amen.

July 24-- 1 Corinthians 4 -1 Corinthians 6
July 25-- 1 Corinthians 7-1 Corinthians 9
July 26-- 1 Corinthians 10-1 Corinthians 12

Friday, July 22, 2011

Evil Forces of Wickedness.....

Scripture--Romans 16

Observation:  Every time there's only one chapter I fear I'll have nothing to talk about!  But all scripture is good--right?  And so is God!  So of course, I found something to talk about!  Look at verse 17..."My friends, I beg you to watch out for anyone who causes trouble and divides the church by refusing to do what all of you were taught. Stay away from them!"

Application:  First, I pray I'm never one of those troublemakers.  Wallace and my Dad would disagree, but I pray that I only cause righteous waves! Second, I know these people--in churches, in families, in life!  And they apparently had them in Rome, and in Kennesaw and to the ends of the Earth!  Look out for where you are being contentious just because.  Look out for those who only want you and our church and our Church harm!  Be in prayer for them, and for us.  Let us build churches and families so centered in God that evil cannot overtake it!

Prayer:  Prince of Peace--Hear our prayers.  For Peace.  For Justice.  For Righteousness.  For Mercy.  Come over us and help us see the places that evil is and give us the strength to fight it.  Give us your armor, and protect us!  In your powerful name we pray.  Amen

July 23-- 1 Corinthians 1- 1 Corinthians 3
July 24-- 1 Corinthians 4 -1 Corinthians 6
July 25-- 1 Corinthians 7-1 Corinthians 9
July 26-- 1 Corinthians 10-1 Corinthians 12

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Destroying the Word of God

Scripture-- Romans 13- Romans 15

Observation: This stopped me in my tracks:  Romans 14:20-23a "20Don't let your appetite destroy what God has done. All foods are fit to eat, but it is wrong to cause problems for others by what you eat. 21It is best not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else that causes problems for other followers of the Lord. 22What you believe about these things should be kept between you and God."  In the translation I read in Nicaragua, the first verse said, "Do not for the sake of food destroy the work of God".  

Application:  How many things do I lead people to believe to be barriers to Christianity.  How many people am I keeping out of the Kingdom by what I say or do?  I think of our Church (not KUMC, but our CHURCH--the one bigger than Methodists!), and how we are keeping people out by what we do.  We're condemning instead of forgiving.  Or, we are being hypocritical and not loving or living as we should.  I pray we continue to struggle to become relevant, loving reflections of God's love!

Prayer:  God, show us our errors.  Forgive our sins.  We repent of the times we made food or clothes or "extras" get in the way of your love.  Let us be vehicles of your grace.  Let us love like you.  Let us preach your love to the ends of the earth!  Amen

Pastor Emily 

July 22-- Romans 16
July 23-- 1 Corinthians 1- 1 Corinthians 3
July 24-- 1 Corinthians 4 -1 Corinthians 6
July 25-- 1 Corinthians 7-1 Corinthians 9
July 26-- 1 Corinthians 10-1 Corinthians 12

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What can we do?

Scripture-- Romans 10-Romans 12

Observation:  Truer words were never spoken: 12:9-

9Be sincere in your love for others. Hate everything that is evil and hold tight to everything that is good. 10Love each other as brothers and sisters and honor others more than you do yourself. 11Never give up. Eagerly follow the Holy Spirit and serve the Lord. 12Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying. 13Take care of God's needy people and welcome strangers into your home.

14Ask God to bless everyone who mistreats you. Ask him to bless them and not to curse them.15When others are happy, be happy with them, and when they are sad, be sad. 16Be friendly with everyone. Don't be proud and feel that you are smarter than others. Make friends with ordinary people. 17Don't mistreat someone who has mistreated you. But try to earn the respect of others,18and do your best to live at peace with everyone. 19Dear friends, don't try to get even. Let God take revenge.In the Scriptures the Lord says,"I am the one to take revenge and pay them back."  20The Scriptures also say, "If your enemies are hungry, give them something to eat. And if they are thirsty, give them something to drink. This will be the same as piling burning coals on their heads." 21Don't let evil defeat you, but defeat evil with good.

Application:  What a way to live life.  No revenge.  Staying away from evil, clinging to good.  Never giving up.  Letting the spirit do it.  Always praying and being patient.  Welcoming strangers.  Taking care of the needy.  This passage is how I try to live my life.  I go back to it again and again to examine my life and see where I can be more Christ like.  So, today, where can you let Christ's love compel you.  What can you work on.  Where can you let God's love shine through you?  Which part of this stands out--and how will you let it change you?

Prayer--God, help me be the person you're calling me to be.  Help me be the new creation you need in this broken world.  Help me be a blessing to others.  Amen

Pastor Emily 

July 21-- Romans 13- Romans 15
July 22-- Romans 16
July 23-- 1 Corinthians 1- 1 Corinthians 3
July 24-- 1 Corinthians 4 -1 Corinthians 6
July 25-- 1 Corinthians 7-1 Corinthians 9
July 26-- 1 Corinthians 10-1 Corinthians 12

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Spirit-Lead, Spirit-Filled

July 19-- Romans 7-Romans 9

Observation:  So many good verses in this:  
  • 7:15b "For I do not do what I want, but the very thing I hate"
  •  8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"
  • 8:31 "What then shall we say to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?"
But the part that hit me was 8:26, "Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  For we do not know what to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us, with groanings too deep for words".

Application:  Have you been there?  At the end of your rope?  Not knowing what else to pray?  We get there don't we?  I read this on the second day of my trip, when I'd seen so much poverty.  So much love.  So much grace.  I'd driven on dirt roads and mixed concrete until my shoulders ached.  I'd sweated out every ounce of water I had.  I'd laughed and wanted to cry.  And my heart was full.  A few times I tried to pray and had no words.  

 This was Rosa's Old House.  Dirt floor, patched up rusted tin, 
the other side was open or patched with black trashbags. 
We built her a new one--with a concrete floor.

When I read Paul, I realized that's when the spirit prayed for me.  Stepped in.  Saved the day.  That's when the Spirit works best--when we give all our words and feelings and lives to him.  Have you let the Spirit have control of your life?  Then its time.  Give up your groanings and love and joy and fears to the Spirit.   

Prayer:  Spirit--We have no words.  So, pray for us.  With us.  Give us the words.  Give us the power that doesn't even need words.  Amen.

Pastor Emily 

July 20-- Romans 10-Romans 12
July 21-- Romans 13- Romans 15
July 22-- Romans 16
July 23-- 1 Corinthians 1- 1 Corinthians 3
July 24-- 1 Corinthians 4 -1 Corinthians 6
July 25-- 1 Corinthians 7-1 Corinthians 9
July 26-- 1 Corinthians 10-1 Corinthians 12

Monday, July 18, 2011

Death to Sin

Scripture:  Romans 4-Romans 6

Observation:  Here comes the good parts!!  We are justified through faith not works! Not because of who we were born to, who we are, but through faith.  5:8 hit me, "But God shows God's love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!"  But then Paul didn't leave that alone.  See 6:1-2, "What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means!  How can we died in sin still live in it!"

Application:  You are good enough.  Jesus died to prove that to you.  You don't have to earn your place in heaven.  Jesus earned it for you.  But that doesn't mean, you should stay in your own ways.  Each day, each moment, you are a new creation in Christ.  This means, that sin has died.  Don't stay in your old ways--Christ has bigger better plans!  Be the new person Christ wants.  Not because you have to, because its your prize.  Because Christ is helping you through his love.  Because you are a new creation.

Prayer:  Christ, our Lord and Savior, thank you for your sacrifice.  Thank you for saving us. Bless us to live a life worthy of your sacrifice.  Not because we have to, but because its what you are helping us do, every day.  We love you! Amen.

Pastor Emily

July 19-- Romans 7-Romans 9
July 20-- Romans 10-Romans 12
July 21-- Romans 13- Romans 15
July 22-- Romans 16
July 23-- 1 Corinthians 1- 1 Corinthians 3
July 24-- 1 Corinthians 4 -1 Corinthians 6
July 25-- 1 Corinthians 7-1 Corinthians 9
July 26-- 1 Corinthians 10-1 Corinthians 12

Sunday, July 17, 2011

When in Rome....

Scripture--Romans 1-Romans 3
So, we've made it through the Gospels and Acts, and now we are on to the Epistles--the Letters.  They are loosely organized from the longest letters to the shortest.  Many are believed to have been written by Paul.  Many are written to churches.  Others are different.  Regardless, these make up a huge base of our theology.  Read them carefully--thinking both of the people they are written to--and think of them as if they are written to you!

Romans is the first Epistle.  Scholars see it as Paul's most dense theological tract.  It deals with Justification, Grace, Love, and many more topics.  Its deep and rich and beautiful.  Don't worry if it doesn't all "make sense".  I'd be more worried if all of it made sense!  (remember, the spirit will reveal things to us as we are ready!!!)  Scholars believe that Paul wrote it in Corinth, to a church that he did not found.  This makes Romans a little different than most of Paul's other letters.  Scholars believe that he wrote it between 55 and 56 AD--long before the Gospels were written.  For more information see:

Lets see what God would have us see today!

Observation:  I'll let you in on a secret--I try to stay ahead on this blog.  If you know me well, this won't surprise you.  In seminary, I stayed two weeks ahead on readings and assignments.  Today is the first post I've written since returning from Nicaragua.  Even more, I kept reading while I was there.  So, as I was sitting in a rocking chair in Nicaragua on Friday morning, preparing to begin my trip by helping do a mini-VBS for 100+ children in a three room school house and praying for you, I read these words:  (1:12), "that is that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine"  and (3:13) "For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified".

Application:  In Roman's Paul is clear.  NOTHING YOU DO WILL SAVE YOU!  Jesus saves you.  

But, in these verses two things struck me, hard.

1) I was about to go to a place to encourage people who HAD so many fewer things than I did.  However, this trip wasn't just about them.  It was about US.  How together we could teach each other things.  It was about how they could change me, and show me how we in the US are poor.  They all had smiles.  They didn't feel sorry for themselves.  They loved life and each other.  I'm not so sure we can always say that.  And reading those verses, I am reminded that we should and can continue to encourage and uplift each other.  By being there. By praying for each other.  By loving always.  

2) If we only hear the word and don't let it change us, then what good is it?  If we only hear God's voice and don't respond, what good is it.  How are you responding to God's love and grace and law?  Let it change you today!

Prayer:  God, change me.  Change me through my brothers and sisters in Christ.  Change me through your love.  Change me enough to go into this world and do your will.  Change me.  Amen.

July 18-- Romans 4-Romans 6
July 19-- Romans 7-Romans 9
July 20-- Romans 10-Romans 12
July 21-- Romans 13- Romans 15
July 22-- Romans 16
July 23-- 1 Corinthians 1- 1 Corinthians 3
July 24-- 1 Corinthians 4 -1 Corinthians 6
July 25-- 1 Corinthians 7-1 Corinthians 9
July 26-- 1 Corinthians 10-1 Corinthians 12