Friday, September 2, 2011

Do Justice, Love Mercy

Scripture: Revelation 16-18


16:7 stuck out to me for the whole reading today: "And I heard the altar say,
      “Yes, Lord God Almighty, your judgments are true and just.” "

What does justice mean?  What does it mean to be just?

Application:I took a class in seminary on peace building.  In that class they said that Justice, Mercy, Peace and Truth must be heard in equal measures in order to be understood and conflict to be resolved.  (see:  Scroll down the the section listed "The Meeting".  It might change the way you see things like it changed me!)

I guess that's whats so hard for me here.  There's a lot of Justice and probably a lot of Truth, but not much mercy or peace.  Maybe I just always side with Mercy and peace.  I just am not exactly sure that these passages reflect the whole of scripture.  Where's the Micah 6:8 "Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God?" 

My seminary professors always said that scripture must be interpreted not on its own, but with knowledge of the whole canon (the whole of scripture) in mind.  I'm not sure where this leaves me today.  I do know that today I want to hope that even with these passages, the God I worship is a God who still loves Justice, Mercy, Peace and Truth in equal measures. 

Prayer:  God of Mercy--Please remember me, a sinner unclean.  Please continue to illuminate my mind and enliven my spirit.  Help me to see clearly what I do not understand.  Help me to love like you.  In your name we pray--Amen.

Pastor Emily

1 comment:

Mary said...

It is comforting to know that God is in control, that someday he will destroy evil. It is good to know that no power/force on earth or in heaven can overcome God or can overcome us, while we are in God.
John's Revelation lets us know that God and the people who trust in him, believe in him and witness for him win in the end, no matter what persecution, war and terrible things happen first.