Saturday, August 6, 2011

Armor and Anger

Scripture:  Ephesians 3-6

Observation:  I love how in these chapters the writer of Ephesians seems to remind us of how we keep evil out of our lives and our beings.  That we don't just do good to do good, but we do good to help keep evil out.  that we choose what is right to keep evil from taking over us.

He says in 4:26-28, Don't let anger over take you!  We often think being angry in and of itself is sinful.  The sin isn't in the feeling, but in the ACTION!  He says in 5:4, if you are choosing bad things, you can't be as fully thankful as I need you to be.  He says in 5:11-13 "Don't give into the dark, for the light will always win.  Choose your team carefully!"

But then the end is so great!  The whole armor of God in 6:10-17!  Put it all on!  Put on the breastplate of justice and the belt of truth! Put on the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit!  How wonderful is that! We can protect ourselves from evil with the light and good of God!

Application:  Where is evil creeping into your life?  Where are you slipping into ways you shouldn't?  Where are people rioting against you or speaking evil?  What places do you need to put on the armor of God?  What great questions!  Put those things on your heart and mind today!

O God of Protection--Protect the ones I love today.  Let them put on your armor to protect them from evil.  Let your light in them banish the darkness.  Change their hearts and protect them from the evil one.  Thank you for all your grace, mercy and protection!  In your name we pray!  Amen!

Blessings--Pastor Emily 


Martha Jane Orlando said...

"Sword of the Spirit in our hands and the word of God in our mouths . . ." :)

Mary said...

I also liked 4:29 "Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building up others according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." I don't do the unwholesome talk so much as just too much talking. I need to work on keeping my talk to what will benefit those who are listening.
And then after the Armor of God- Stay alert and always keep on praying!

Carol Flores said...

As I was reading today, I came across some notes I had written in this section of my Bible. The first one was from a Disciple class. The note said that the first half of Ephesians (1-3) tells us what God has done. The second half (4-6) tells us what we must do. And the two sections are connected by the "bridge" word "therefore". The second note was from a sermon Wallace preached in 2006. It referred to the "armor of God" part of the reading. It says that none of the armor mentioned (breastplate, shield, belt) protects our backs. So we should not turn our backs on Satan because we have no protection there! Christians should face Satan and fight against his dark powers. This section tells us that we can defeat him with truth, peace, faith, salvation and the Spirit and Word of God. I am thankful that God has given me what I need to fight...and WIN!