Friday, August 5, 2011

Wonder of Wonders

Scripture--Ephesians 1-Ephesians 3
Did you know we were already on the 10th book of the New Testament?  That means we're getting to the end! Can you believe we are more than 2/3 done?  Save the date for Sunday 9/11 at 4 pm for an ice cream social and wrap-up.  Lets meet together, see each other's faces and talk about our experiences!
Ephesians is the first book that we've come to that has some scholarly question as to Paul's Authorship.  Tradition credits it to Paul, but historians aren't so sure.  They date it instead to some of Paul's later followers.  Either way, its an important piece of scripture that details the unity and reconciliation of all creation under Christ's authority!  This is another short book!  Lets do this!
I love these verses (1:18-19)  "I pray that the eyes of your heart will have enough light to see what is the hope of God's call, what is the richness of God's glorious inheritance among believers, and what is the overwhelming greatness of God's power that is working among us believers."
I don't know about you--but I have felt God's call and power in the last few weeks.  It seems like in the last month God has breathed new life into my life and into our church.  Have you felt it?  A huge box of school supplies.  A buzz about going to Nicaragua.  A prayer tower coming out of the ground.  A new building.  A new worship service.  An amazing revival.  A five week sermon series in July that really seemed to affect change.  Things seem to be moving in new ways, and I feel God's presence everywhere I turn.
So these words seemed to mirror the prayers I've been praying for our church.  That the eyes of our heart will have enough light to hear where God is nudging you.  To see the wonderful blessings God has in store for you.  To see the overwhelming greatness of God's power at work.  When I teach my confirmation class on "Gifts of the Spirit", I talk about someone with the gift of miracles being someone who sees the miraculous in what we would see as ordinary.  The person who sees God's power in the "every day".  That's my prayer for you--that you would see God's miracles every day!
Prayer:  Miraculous God--Open our eyes to your miracles.  Let us see your power.  Let us be changed by your love.  Amen.
Pastor Emily
August 6--Ephesians 4-Ephesians 6
August 7--Philippians 1-Philippians 3
August 8--Philippians 4-Colossians 2


Martha Jane Orlando said...

"Open the eyes of my heart, Lord . . . I want to see you!"

And your miracles in the day to day, in everything, every how, every way!

Mary said...

I love that song too. Eyes of our hearts are what can see God. Eyes of our heart help us "know the hope to which he has called you". That is how we become believers, when God opens the eyes of our hearts to all the things he has planned for us.

Carol Flores said...

Today what stood out to me were so many encouraging words.

Mercy. Grace. Faith. Love. Peace. Hope. Wisdom. Power. Spirit.

All of them individual gifts from God, but together they make up His completely amazing PROMISE that He accomplished through His Son Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God.