Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Psalm 146 is a justice Psalm!  Reminding us that there is justice for the oppressed!  I love verses 7-9!

How are we trying to help the afflicted, release the prisoner, help the hungry, and open the eyes of the blind!

Worse--how are we acknowledging the ways God is working to release us, save us from our afflictions, feed our hunger and open our eyes.

Today Lord, I'm standing waiting for you to fix me!  I am broken!

Pastor Emily 


Martha Jane Orlando said...

We are all broken vessels waiting for Him to turn us into new wine skins . . .

mom said...

145- I like v. 4 "one generation will commend your works to another" I like to hear about how God was with my forefathers and hope that I share what He has done for me with the next generation. God does not rule one time, one place, one people. He rules eternally, all people, all over the earth!
146- If we want to call ourselves Christians, named after Christ, we need to work for the oppressed. I often have opportunities to do that at both of my jobs if I just have the patience and a positive attitude.