Friday, June 17, 2011

Pulled in So Many Directions!

Scripture--Mark 4-Mark 6

Observation:  Maybe I’m just tired this morning, but all I could see were all the people pulling at Jesus.  I think a couple people commented on this in Matthew, but goodness everyone wanted a piece of him.  While he was going to help one man, a woman came interrupted it.  He tries to go off with his disciples and pray and be away, but instead people needed him.  It just makes me appreciate him so much more! 

Application:  We all can take Jesus’ lead more often.  To try and get away when we need time to recharge.  To help everyone we can.  And to not grumble!  Oh, what a lesson for me today!

Prayer:  God of the morning!  Come and refresh my spirit.  Recharge my light.  Refill my heart with your love.  Give me the power and strength to keep serving you in the world.  Thank you for reminding me that I can always recharge, refresh, renew by plugging back into you!  Amen. 

Pastor Emily

June 18-- Mark 7- Mark 9
June 19-- Mark 10- Mark 12
June 20-- Mark 13-Mark 15
June 21-- Mark 16
June 22-- Luke 1-Luke 3
June 23-- Luke 4-Luke 6
June 24-- Luke 7-Luke 9


dwcal said...

I'm always puzzled by the fact that Jesus told his disciples "The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables...." then quoted Is 6: 9, 10. As if Jesus didn't want the people to understand? And even though the disciples had been given "the secret" they often didn't understand what he was telling them and he had to explain it to them anyway. I feel like I would've been one of those who didn't get it...And when his disciples ask him to explain he sounds annoyed ("How then will you understand any parable?"). I'm just glad they asked him and it was recorded so that I can understand the parables too. I take comfort from the fact that his disciples didn't always understand him because I know if I'm open and listening he'll show me what he means.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I think Jesus spoke in parables because we tend to remember things better, and are able to re-tell it best, when we hear it in story form. All would not be revealed until the Resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit. It is only after these two events that the disciples finally seem to get the true picture. Because of the parables, they were able to recall and tell others of the good news and proclaim the saving grace of Jesus.

Lynne Watts said...

I think Jesus knew the needs of each individual group and spoke to them in a language and on a level they could understand, much like a teacher who recognizes that each student in her class has different needs. Not every student needs or can understand the advanced version of the subject. Some need the basics, some already know the basics and are ready for more and then some could probably teach the lesson! I think Jesus was just clarifying for his inner circle that they were getting the advanced version and they had better take advantage of what he was trusting them with.

Mary said...

Parables tell the story so we can picture the message in a way people can understand, then figure out the deeper meaning. And since he explained it to his disciples, we have it in the scriptures for us to have the explanation Jesus gave them written down as well. Jesus was looking out for all of us who read the Bible throughout the ages, as well as the disciples and the people of His day. He is there for us all through time.

Carol Flores said...

Diane I would have been one of the ones that didn't get it either so I am glad someone wrote down the deeper meaning of these stories. Jesus had such compassion, even though he was being pulled every which way. Today He told me to look for sheep that have no shepherd and get them the food they need. He also told me to get close enough to touch Him and if I have faith, I will be made well. Even if I don't quite get it yet..God is good. All the time..

Sara Armstrong said...

In the midst of being busy and doing good works, Jesus always took some time to rest. He often went off away from everyone to pray, he slept in the midst of the storm, We must learn that rest is holy also. We must stop,recharge and take care of ourselves.