Sunday, July 15, 2012

Restoring Faith....

I've said it several times this week.  I'm sick of the Psalms.  I wonder thinking back to last summer if I got sick of the New Testament.  But we do that with time too don't we?

"I'm sick of this school year".  
"I'm sick of the heat of summer"
"I'm sick of my life"

We have mid-life crisises, we get frustrated half way through semesters, we just want to quit.  We get fed up with our kids some days.  We get the urge to find a new church.  A new spouse.  A new life.  Its part of being human.

And in the middle of that we complain.  Like the wandering Israelites.  We groan and mumble and complain.

Then we get to beauty.  In our Roadtrip at Revive we called them Landmarks.  Graduation.  A sunny, cooler day.  Our spouse does something extra sweet and kind.  Our kids come and snuggle before bed.  Our pastor preaches a refreshing sermon, or the choir sings an anthem.

Or we come to a verse like this, 
"Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet.  Righteousness and peace will kiss." (85:10)

And suddenly we see the beauty in the Psalms.

Or like this:
"You are my God, be gracious to me Lord!  For all I do is cry to you all day long."  (86:2b-3)

And suddenly I am convicted.  To stop my complaining and open my eyes.  To see the beauty that lies in the poetry.  To hear God's voice again.

Where are you today?  Are you arguing, complaining?  Maybe read Psalm 85 and 86 and you'll find some hope.  Maybe spend 10 minutes listing the good things.  Maybe find some time to love on someone else who might feel forgotten.  I bet it might change your tune!

Pastor Emily 


mom said...

85- Restore and revive us!The Lord will give what is good! May His glory dwell in our land!

86- Guard my life! I lift up my soul! You alone are God! Teach me your way and I will walk in your truth. Grant me your strength! Help and comfort me!

I really like these two Psalms too. Lets keep going through the rest of the Psalms and see where else we can find treasure!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I love that the declaration of God's "steadfast love" winds its way like a connecting thread through all the Psalms. What a great reminder for us all when we find ourselves in the doldrums! We are loved infinitely by the One who is ever faithful. And, knowing that, we should be able to sing a song of joy and thanksgiving.