Friday, July 20, 2012


Sing a new song to the Lord!
Sing God's praises!

Do you like to sing?  I have grown up loving music, and knowing I have no musical talent.  I still remember playing my Michael English cassette tape, singing along and telling my mom how great I was. I told her I should sing it as a solo.  She gave the sweetest non-committal, truthful answer ever.  Something like, "Sure Emily, but I think that was written for a man, right?"

I wasn't exactly crestfallen, instead, I was sure I should show her that I could do it.  Then proceeded to chicken out.  I practice though.  I love music. I listen to all kinds of music and love to sing along with it when I can!  Thankfully, I try to spare you of my "talents"!

But I love to sing.  Do you love to sing?  Its something that we as a culture are losing.  The only places we sing together are some concerts and church.  I love the idea of raising our voices TOGETHER to God!

These two Psalms spoke to me at a basic level.  Did you know that the areas for singing and for speaking are in two different hemispheres of our brain.  When I worked with the elderly, I knew people who had lost the ability to speak.  To remember their own names.  But you would play amazing grace and they would sing.  Or hum.  They still remembered the songs, even when they forgot the words.

So SING!  Sing a song!  Sing it proud.  And sing it to God!!

Have a great day!
Pastor Emily 


Martha Jane Orlando said...

Oh, you know how much I love to sing! And, it's so true about music having a singularly remarkable effect on the brain. I read somewhere years ago that if children are taught a concept through singing, there is a 90% retention of the information as opposed to 10% if they are simply told the facts. Wow!
I thank the Lord that singing is such a huge part of my praising Him.

mom said...

I love to join others singing in church. We are worshiping God with our songs, so our voices/musical talent doesn't matter as much as our spirit.
When I attended Women of Faith and sang with a whole Phillips Arena full of women praising God, I felt that it was something like what heaven will be like, when we all will be able to sing and praise God with all the "talent" we wish we had now!